Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Single Node Oracle 11g Release 2 ( RAC Configuration on HP-UX Itanium (11.31) Server

This document show steps of installation and setting up Single Node Oracle 11g Release 2 ( RAC on HP-UX Itanium (11.31) server.

1. Sample /etc/hosts file will be as below.

xxx.xx.xx.26   drpweb1.xx.com     drpweb1

xx.0.0.9        drpweb-prv

xxx.xx.xx.28   drpweb1-vip.xx.com  drpweb1-vip

xxx.xx.xx.29   drpweb-scan.xx.com  drpweb-scan

2. deconfigure NTP
When using Oracle RAC you have to make a decision whether to configure NTP, or make sure it is not configured so the Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Service (ctssd) can synchronize the times of the RAC nodes. To deconfigure NTP, do the following.
# /sbin/init.d/xntpd stop
# mv /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp.conf.bk

3. Create OS Groups
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 700 oinstall
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 701 dba
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 702 oper
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 703 asmdba
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 704 asmoper
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 705 asmadmin

4. Create OS user
#useradd  -m -u 108 -g oinstall -G dba,oper,asmdba -d /home/oracle oracle
#useradd -m -u 109 -g oinstall -G dba,asmdba,asmoper,asmadmin -d /home/grid grid

5. Setting O/S user password
# passwd grid
Changing password for grid
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Passwd successfully changed
# passwd oracle
Changing password for oracle
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Passwd successfully changed

6. Setting kernel parameters
On ALL RAC nodes, verify that kernel parameter's value greater than or equal to recommended values.
ksi_alloc_max : 32768
executable_stack : 0
max_thread_proc : 1024
maxdsiz : 1073741824 (1gb)
maxdsiz_64bit : 2147483648 (2gb)
maxfiles : 1024
maxfiles_lim : 32767
maxssiz : 134217728 (128mb)
maxssiz_64bit :  1073741824 (1gb)
maxuprc : 3686
msgmni : 4096
msgtql : 4096
ncsize : 35840
nflocks : 4096
ninode : 34816
nkthread : 7184
nproc : 4096
semmni : 4096
semmns : 8192
semmnu : 4096
semvmx : 32767
shmmax : 1073741824
shmmni  : 4096
shmseg  : 512
tcp_largest_anon_port   : 65500
udp_larget_anon_port   : 65500

6.1 Check kernel parameter by following command:
# kctune -d ksi_alloc_max
Tunable        Value  Expression  Changes
ksi_alloc_max  33600  Default     Immed
    Maximum number of queued signals pending on the system

6.2 Setting Parameters (Soft & Hard)
# kctune maxssiz=134217728
# kctune maxuprc=3686
# kctune msgmni=4096
# kctune msgtql=4096
# kctune ncsize=35840
# kctune maxfiles_lim=63488
# kctune ninode=34816
# kctune semmni=4096
# kctune semmns=8192
# kctune semmnu=4092
# kctune -s shmmni=4096
# kctune -s shmseg=512
# kctune -s maxfiles=16384
# kctune -s maxfiles_lim=65536
# kctune -s maxssiz=134217728

7. Patch requirement for HP-UX 11i V3 (11.31) Itanium
PHCO_43503 11.31 diskowner(1M) cumulative patch
PHCO_41479 11.31 Disk Owner Patch
PHKL_38038 VM patch - hot patching/Core file creation directory
PHKL_38938 11.31 SCSI cumulative I/O patch
PHKL_40941 Scheduler patch: post wait hang
PHSS_36354 11.31 assembler patch
PHSS_37042 11.31 hppac (packed decimal)
PHSS_37959 Libcl patch for alternate stack issue fix (QXCR1000818011)
PHSS_39094 11.31 linker + fdp cumulative patch
PHSS_39100 11.31 Math Library Cumulative Patch
PHSS_39102 11.31 Integrity Unwind Library
PHSS_38141 11.31 aC++ Runtime
PHSS_39824 - 11.31 HP C/aC++ Compiler (A.06.23) patch
PHKL_40208,PHKL_40372 - To avoid node evictions
PHCO_41479 (or late) 11.31 character device files control patch
PHKL_39773 - only require if want to use VERITAS file system 5.0
PHSS_39824,PHSS_39826 - C/aC++ compiler patch
Gcc 4.2.3 or later -Gcc compiler
HPUX JDK 6.0.05,HPUX 5.0.15  - JDBC/OCI dirver

7.1 Patch requirement Check
>>To determine whether a patch is installed, enter a command similar to the following:
# /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch | grep PHSS_37959

>>To list all installed patches, enter the following command:
# /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch | more

>>To determine whether a bundle, product, or fileset is installed:
# /usr/sbin/swlist -l product | more
# /usr/sbin/swlist -l bundle | more
# /usr/sbin/swlist -l fileset | more

>> Compiler Check
# /usr/sbin/swlist -l product |grep -i compiler

7.2 Patch Installation
# swinstall -s /tmp/oraclesoft/gettext-0.19.5-ia64-11.31.depot
# swinstall -s /tmp/oraclesoft/libiconv-1.14-ia64-11.31.depot
# swinstall -s /tmp/oraclesoft/bash-4.3.033-ia64-11.31.depot
# swinstall -s /tmp/oraclesoft/termcap-1.3.1-ia64-11.31.depot

8. Create Required Symbolic/Soft Links
#ln -s /usr/bin/ssh /usr/local/bin/ssh
#ln -s  /usr/bin/scp /usr/local/bin/scp

Below symbolic links are required only if Motif 2.1 development Environment package (X11MotifDevKit.MOTIF21-PRG) is not installed.
Check [X11MotifDevKit.MOTIF21-PRG] is exists ?  
#swlist -l product |grep -i X11Motif*  

if not exists then-
#cd /usr/lib
ln -s libX11.3 libX11.sl
ln -s libXIE.2 libXIE.2.sl
ln -s libXext.3 libXext.sl
ln -s libXhp11.3 libXhp11.sl
ln -s libXi.3 libXi.sl
ln -s libXm.4 libXm.sl
ln -s libXp.2 libXp.sl
ln -s libXt.3 libXt.sl
ln -s libXtst.2 libXtst.sl

9. Create Grid Home Directory
# mkdir -p /u01/app/grid
# mkdir -p /u01/app/
# chown -R grid:oinstall /u01
# chmod -R 775 /u01

>> Grid user profile permission
$ chmod 775 .profile

>>Grid Profile Setting/Editing
$vi .profile
# Set up the shell environment:
        set -u
        trap "echo 'logout'" 0
        stty erase ^?
        set -o vi

# Set up the shell variables:
        export EDITOR
        export HISTFILE=$HOME/.sh_history
        export PS1="$(/usr/bin/whoami)@$(/usr/bin/hostname) [\$PWD]$"

        ##Grid Environment:##
        umask 022
        export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/
        export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/grid
        export ORACLE_HOME=$GRID_HOME
        export ORACLE_SID=+ASM1
        export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
        export TZ

>> Grid user profile Load
$ . ./.profile

11. Create grid Inventory Directory
# mkdir -p /u01/app/oraInventory
# chown -R grid:oinstall /u01/app/oraInventory
# chmod -R 775 /u01/app/oraInventory

12. Create oracle BASE Directory
# mkdir -p /u02/app/oracle/product/
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u02
# chmod -R 775 /u02

>> Oracle user profile permission
$ chmod 775 .profile

>>Oracle user Profile Setting/Editing
# Set up the shell environment:
        set -u
        trap "echo 'logout'" 0
        stty erase ^?
        set -o vi

# Set up the shell variables:
        export EDITOR
        export HISTFILE=$HOME/.sh_history
        export PS1="$(/usr/bin/whoami)@$(/usr/bin/hostname) [\$PWD]$"

## Set up Oracle Environment##
umask 022
export ORACLE_BASE=/u02/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/
export ORACLE_SID=drpweb1
export TZ

>> Oracle user profile Load
$ . ./.profile

13. View available disks for oracle ASM
# ioscan -kfNnC disk
Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk     10  64000/0xfa00/0x6   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      IR Volume
                      /dev/disk/disk10      /dev/disk/disk10_p2   /dev/rdisk/disk10     /dev/rdisk/disk10_p2
                      /dev/disk/disk10_p1   /dev/disk/disk10_p3   /dev/rdisk/disk10_p1  /dev/rdisk/disk10_p3
disk     12  64000/0xfa00/0x7   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       TEAC    DVD-ROM DW-224EV
                      /dev/disk/disk12   /dev/rdisk/disk12
disk     19  64000/0xfa00/0x14  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk19   /dev/rdisk/disk19
disk     20  64000/0xfa00/0x15  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk20   /dev/rdisk/disk20
disk     26  64000/0xfa00/0x16  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk26   /dev/rdisk/disk26
disk     27  64000/0xfa00/0x17  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk27   /dev/rdisk/disk27
disk     28  64000/0xfa00/0x18  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk28   /dev/rdisk/disk28
disk     43  64000/0xfa00/0x19  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk43   /dev/rdisk/disk43
disk     44  64000/0xfa00/0x1a  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk44   /dev/rdisk/disk44
disk     45  64000/0xfa00/0x1b  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk45   /dev/rdisk/disk45
disk     46  64000/0xfa00/0x1c  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk46   /dev/rdisk/disk46
disk     47  64000/0xfa00/0x1d  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk47   /dev/rdisk/disk47
disk     48  64000/0xfa00/0x1e  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk48   /dev/rdisk/disk48
disk     49  64000/0xfa00/0x1f  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       3PARdataVV
                      /dev/disk/disk49   /dev/rdisk/disk49
>> Check disk size
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk19
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk19:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 838860800 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk20
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk20:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 838860800 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk26
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk26:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 2097152 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk27
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk27:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 2097152 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk28
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk28:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 2097152 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk43
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk43:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 2097152 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk44
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk44:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 2097152 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk45
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk45:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 2097152 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk46
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk46:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 41943040 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk47
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk47:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 41943040 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk48
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk48:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 41943040 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512
# diskinfo /dev/rdisk/disk49
SCSI describe of /dev/rdisk/disk49:
             vendor: 3PARdata
         product id: VV
               type: direct access
               size: 41943040 Kbytes
   bytes per sector: 512

14. Create a special oracle device directory and use mknod to create device paths in oracle folder.

# mkdir /dev/oracle

# ll /dev/rdisk/disk19
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x000014 Jul 31 15:15 /dev/rdisk/disk19
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_data01 c 13 0x000014
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_data01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000014 Aug 29 12:08 /dev/oracle/asm_data01
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk20
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x000015 Jul 31 15:15 /dev/rdisk/disk20
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_fra01 c 13 0x000015
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_fra01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000015 Aug 29 12:19 /dev/oracle/asm_fra01
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk26
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x000016 Jul 31 16:42 /dev/rdisk/disk26
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_ocr01 c 13 0x000016
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_ocr01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000016 Aug 29 12:44 /dev/oracle/asm_ocr01
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk27
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x000017 Jul 31 16:42 /dev/rdisk/disk27
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_ocr02 c 13 0x000017
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_ocr02
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000017 Aug 29 12:53 /dev/oracle/asm_ocr02
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk28
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x000018 Jul 31 16:42 /dev/rdisk/disk28
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_ocr03 c 13 0x000018
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_ocr03
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000018 Aug 29 12:54 /dev/oracle/asm_ocr03
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk43
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x000019 Jul 31 16:48 /dev/rdisk/disk43
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_vot01 c 13 0x000019
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_vot01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000019 Aug 29 12:58 /dev/oracle/asm_vot01
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk44
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x00001a Jul 31 16:48 /dev/rdisk/disk44
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_vot02 c 13 0x00001a
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_vot02
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001a Aug 29 12:58 /dev/oracle/asm_vot02
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk45
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x00001b Jul 31 16:48 /dev/rdisk/disk45
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_vot3 c 13 0x00001b
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_vot3
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001b Aug 29 13:00 /dev/oracle/asm_vot3
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk46
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x00001c Jul 31 16:48 /dev/rdisk/disk46
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_redo1 c 13 0x00001c
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_redo1
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001c Aug 29 13:11 /dev/oracle/asm_redo1
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk47
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x00001d Jul 31 16:48 /dev/rdisk/disk47
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_redo2 c 13 0x00001d
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_redo2
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001d Aug 29 13:11 /dev/oracle/asm_redo2
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_redo2
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001d Aug 29 13:11 /dev/oracle/asm_redo2
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk48
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x00001e Jul 31 16:48 /dev/rdisk/disk48
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_control1 c 13 0x00001e
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_control1
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001e Aug 29 13:20 /dev/oracle/asm_control1
# ll /dev/rdisk/disk49
crw-r-----   1 bin        sys         13 0x00001f Jul 31 16:48 /dev/rdisk/disk49
# mknod /dev/oracle/asm_control2 c 13 0x00001f
# ll /dev/oracle/asm_control2
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001f Aug 29 13:21 /dev/oracle/asm_control2
# ll /dev/oracle/
total 0
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001e Aug 29 13:20 asm_control1
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001f Aug 29 13:21 asm_control2
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000014 Aug 29 12:08 asm_data01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000015 Aug 29 12:19 asm_fra01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000016 Aug 29 12:44 asm_ocr01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000017 Aug 29 12:53 asm_ocr02
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000018 Aug 29 12:54 asm_ocr03
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001c Aug 29 13:11 asm_redo1
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001d Aug 29 13:11 asm_redo2
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x000019 Aug 29 12:58 asm_vot01
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001a Aug 29 12:58 asm_vot02
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys         13 0x00001b Aug 29 13:00 asm_vot3

15. Disk Permission on device directory
# chown -R grid:asmadmin /dev/oracle/*
# chmod -R 660 /dev/oracle/*
# ll /dev/oracle/*
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x00001e Aug 29 13:20 /dev/oracle/asm_control1
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x00001f Aug 29 13:21 /dev/oracle/asm_control2
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x000014 Aug 29 12:08 /dev/oracle/asm_data01
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x000015 Aug 29 12:19 /dev/oracle/asm_fra01
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x000016 Aug 29 12:44 /dev/oracle/asm_ocr01
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x000017 Aug 29 12:53 /dev/oracle/asm_ocr02
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x000018 Aug 29 12:54 /dev/oracle/asm_ocr03
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x00001c Aug 29 13:11 /dev/oracle/asm_redo1
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x00001d Aug 29 13:11 /dev/oracle/asm_redo2
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x000019 Aug 29 12:58 /dev/oracle/asm_vot01
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x00001a Aug 29 12:58 /dev/oracle/asm_vot02
crw-rw----   1 grid       asmadmin    13 0x00001b Aug 29 13:00 /dev/oracle/asm_vot3

16. ASM Disk Header Clearing using dd
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_data01 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_fra01 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_ocr01 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_ocr02 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
#  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_ocr03 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_vot01 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_vot02 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_vot3 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_redo1 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/oracle/asm_control1 bs=1024k count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out

17. Setting the Minor Number for Device Files
>> Log in as the "root" user.
>> Determine whether /dev/async exists. if the device does not exists, then use the following command to create it.
#mknod /dev/async c 101 0x4

>> Alternatively, you can set the minor number value to 0x104 using the following command:
#/sbin/mknod /dev/async c 101 0x104

>> If /dev/async exists, then determine the current value of the minor number, as shown in the following example:
# ll /dev/async
crw-rw-rw-   1 bin        bin        101 0x000000 Apr 26 12:22 /dev/async

>> If the existing minor number of the file is not 0x4 or 0x14, then change it to an expected value using one of the following commands:
# rm /dev/async
# mknod /dev/async c 101 0x104
# ll /dev/async
crw-r--r--   1 root       sys        101 0x000104 Aug 29 15:04 /dev/async

>> async driver permission
# chown oracle:dba /dev/async
# chmod 660 /dev/async

18. Installation of Oracle 11gR2 ( Grid Infrastructure

18.1. Login as "grid" user.
As the "grid" user (Grid Infrastructure software owner) start the installer by running "runInstaller".

18.2. Installation Option
Select radio button 'Install and Configure Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster' and click Next> 

18.3. Installation Type
Select radio button 'Advanced Installation' and click Next >

 18.4. Product Language
Accept 'English' as language and click Next > 
18.5. Grid Plag and Play
Specify 'Cluster Name' & 'Scan Name', Unchecked Configure GNS and click Next >
18.6. Cluster Node Information
specify the node names and virtual IP address
18.7. Cluster Node Information (SSH Connectivity)
Use TAB 'SSH Connectivity' to configure SSH Connectivity. Use SETUP button to configure passwordless SSH connectivity.

18.8. Cluster Node Information (Validating node readiness)

18.9. Network Interface Usages
Click on 'Interface type' next to the Interface you want to use for your cluster and select the correct values for 'Public', 'Private' and 'Do Not Use' when finished click 'Next>.
18.10. Storage Option
Select radio button 'Automatic Storage Management (ASM)' click 'Next>. 
18.11. Storage Option
Select the 'DiskGroup Name' specify the 'Redundancy' and tick the disks you want to use, [if candidate disks are not shown then check the permission for /dev...folder] when done click ' Next >'
[if not candidate disk disks found, then change discovery path to /dev/oracle/*].
Note: Note the number of voting disk that will be created depend on the redundancy level you specify: EXTERNAL will create 1 voting disk, NORMAL will create 3 voting disks, HIGH will create 5 voting disks.

18.12. ASM Password
18.13. Operating System Groups
Oracle ASM Administrator(OSASM) Group: asmadmin
Oracle ASM DBA(OSDBA for ASM) Group: asmdba
Oracle ASM Operator(OSOPER for ASM) Group: asmoper
18.14. Installation Location
Specify the location for ORACLE_BASE and for the software location and click 'Next >
18.15. Create Inventory
Specify the location for inventory directory and click 'Next >
18.16. Prerequisite Checks

18.16.1. Prerequisite Checks
We have ignore this warning. 
18.17. Summary
18.18. Install Product

18.19. Finish

19. Configure Listener for Additional Port
19.1. Login as "grid" user
 19.2. Net configuration Assistance: Listener Configuration, Listener
19.3. Net configuration Assistance: Listener Configuration, Listener Name
19.4. Net configuration Assistance: Listener Configuration, Select protocols
19.5. Net configuration Assistance: Listener Configuration, Select port
19.6. Net configuration Assistance: Listener Configuration, More Listener?
19.7. Net configuration Assistance: Select a listener you want to start
19.8. Net configuration Assistance: Listener configuration complete!
19.9. Net configuration Assistance: Finish

20. Installation of Oracle 11gR2 ( RDBMS Software
20.1. Login as "oracle" user

20.2. Configure Security Update: Provide your email address, tick the check box and provide oracle support password if you want to receive security updates from oracle  support and click ' Next >'

20.3. Download Software Update: Skip software updates and click ' Next>'

20.4. Installation Option: Select the option 'Install Database Software Only' and click '  Next>'

20.5. Installation Option: Select the option 'Oracle Real Application Clusters database installation' and click '  Next>'
20.5.1 Use the 'SSH Connectivity' button to configure/test the passwordless SSH connectivity between nodes. Type in the OS password for the oracle user and click setup.

20.6. Product Language: To confirm English as selected language and click ' Next >'

20.7. Database Edition: Make sure radio button 'Enterprise Edition' is ticked &click ' Next>'
20.8. Installation Location:  Specify path for oracle base(ORACLE_BASE) and location where we want to store the software (ORACLE_HOME). Click ' Next>'

20.9. Installation Location:  Specify path for oracle base(ORACLE_BASE) and location where we want to store the software (ORACLE_HOME). Click ' Next>'
20.10. Prerequisite Check: Oracle Universal Installer performs prerequisite checks.

20.11. Summary
20.12. Install Product

20.13 Finish: Installation Successful.

21. Create ASM Diskgroups

21.1 Login as "grid" user.

21.2 Click 'Create' to create a new diskgroup. Then, type in a name for the diskgroup, select the redundancy EXTERNAL and mark the tick box for the disks you want to assign to the new diskgroup. we have used allocation unit size 4MB for DATA. Finally click 'Ok' button.

21.3 Click 'Create' to create diskgroup for the flash recovery area. then, type in a name for the diskgroup, select the redundancy EXTERNAL we want to provide and mark the tick box for the disks you want to assign to the new diskgroup. we have used allocation unit size 4MB for FRA. Finally click 'Ok' button.

21.4 Click 'Create' to create diskgroup for the REDO. then, type in a name for the diskgroup, select the redundancy EXTERNAL and mark the tick box for the disks and assign to the new diskgroup. we have used allocation unit size 1MB for REDO. Finally click 'Ok' button.

21.5 Click 'Create' to create diskgroup for the VOTING. then, type in a name for the diskgroup, select redundancy NORMAL and mark the tick box for the disks and assign to the new diskgroup. we have used allocation unit size 1MB for VOTING. Finally click 'Ok' button.

21.6 Exit

22. Relocating voting disk file from +OCR diskgroup to +VOTING diskgroup

At time of grid installation, voting files created on +OCR diskgroup as we chosen +OCR diskgroup. Now, we will separate voting files from +OCR diskgroup to +VOTING diskgroup. Below is the procedure:

OCR: It created at the time of Grid Installation. It’s store information to manage Oracle cluster-ware and it’s component such as RAC database, listener, VIP, Scan IP & Services. Minimum 1 and maximum 5 copy of OCR is possible.

Voting Disk: It manages information about node membership. Each voting disk must be accessible by all nodes in the cluster. If any node is not passing heat-beat across other note or voting disk, then that node will be evicted by Voting disk. Minimum 1 and maximum 15 copy of voting disk is possible.

>>To find location of current OCR:
Login as "grid" user.
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
         Version                  :          3
         Total space (kbytes)     :     262120
         Used space (kbytes)      :       2576
         Available space (kbytes) :     259544
         ID                       :  829362325
         Device/File Name         :       +OCR
                                    Device/File integrity check succeeded

                                    Device/File not configured

                                    Device/File not configured

                                    Device/File not configured

                                    Device/File not configured

         Cluster registry integrity check succeeded

         Logical corruption check bypassed due to non-privileged user

grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$

>>To find current location of Voting disk:
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$crsctl query css votedisk
##  STATE    File Universal Id                File Name Disk group
--  -----    -----------------                --------- ---------
 1. ONLINE   3175bf2cd9f94f4bbfe4e11a10c9e0cb (/dev/oracle/asm_ocr01) [OCR]
 2. ONLINE   7d77fbd9e7944fc6bf79be2d40ef7201 (/dev/oracle/asm_ocr02) [OCR]
 3. ONLINE   58fff2878e824f31bf3bdf694ab96e24 (/dev/oracle/asm_ocr03) [OCR]
Located 3 voting disk(s).
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$

>> Relocate or multiplexing Voting disk to another disk-group (With normal redundancy)
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$crsctl replace votedisk +VOTING
Successful addition of voting disk 4dec4a89ee354f82bf83e1db3a24aff8.
Successful addition of voting disk 59f07ff6eb5c4f5dbf8ca30fd5651882.
Successful addition of voting disk 101c45ec173b4f60bf88fce940a0ae10.
Successful deletion of voting disk 3175bf2cd9f94f4bbfe4e11a10c9e0cb.
Successful deletion of voting disk 7d77fbd9e7944fc6bf79be2d40ef7201.
Successful deletion of voting disk 58fff2878e824f31bf3bdf694ab96e24.
Successfully replaced voting disk group with +VOTING.
CRS-4266: Voting file(s) successfully replaced
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$

>>New location of Voting disk:
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$crsctl query css votedisk
##  STATE    File Universal Id                File Name Disk group
--  -----    -----------------                --------- ---------
 1. ONLINE   4dec4a89ee354f82bf83e1db3a24aff8 (/dev/oracle/asm_vot01) [VOTING]
 2. ONLINE   59f07ff6eb5c4f5dbf8ca30fd5651882 (/dev/oracle/asm_vot02) [VOTING]
 3. ONLINE   101c45ec173b4f60bf88fce940a0ae10 (/dev/oracle/asm_vot3) [VOTING]
Located 3 voting disk(s).
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$
grid@drpweb1 [/home/grid]$

23. Create database using DBCA
23.1. Login as "oracle" user
> select 'Oracle Real Application Clusters database' and click 'Next >'

23.2. Select the option that you want to perform, Choose option 'Create a Database' and click 'Next >'
23.3. Select the database template that you want to use for your database and click ' next >'
23.4. Database Identification, Chose configuration type (Admin-Managed), Write Global database name and SID prefix and click ' next >'
23.5. Management Options, select the options you want use to manage database and click 'Next  
23.6. Database Credentials 
23.7. Database File Location, Select the diskgroup you created for the database files and Click on 'Multiplex Redo logs and control files.
>In the popup window define the diskgroup that should contain control files and redo log files and the diskgroup that should contain the mirrored files.
23.8. Specify ASMSNMP password specific to ASM. When all are correct then click on Next >
23.9. Recovery configuration, Specify the diskgroup that was created for the flash recovery area and define the size. if the size is smaller than recommended a warning will popup.  then click on Next >

23.10. Database Content. Select if want to have sample schema created in database and click 'Next>'
23.11. Initialization Parameters.
>>Memory Settings, Memory size 60% of total system memory.
>>Memory Settings, Sizing, block size and process.
 >>Memory Settings, Character sets.
>>Memory Settings, Connection Mode
23.12. Database Storage
>> Storage
>> Control files.
>> Data files.
>> Redo Log files.




23.13. Creation Options, create database 
23.14. Create database summary

23.15. Database Creation complete.

24. endpoints_listener.ora file in "grid" user LISTENERDR1_DRPWEB1=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=drpweb1-vip)(PORT=1525))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx.xx.xxx.26)(PORT=1525)(IP=FIRST))))         # line added by Agent
LISTENERDR_DRPWEB1=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=drpweb1-vip)(PORT=1527))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx.xx.xxx.26)(PORT=1527)(IP=FIRST))))          # line added by Agent
LISTENERDR2_DRPWEB1=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=drpweb1-vip)(PORT=1526))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx.xx.xxx.26)(PORT=1526)(IP=FIRST))))         # line added by Agent
LISTENER_DRPWEB1=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=drpweb1-vip)(PORT=1521))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx.xx.xxx.26)(PORT=1521)(IP=FIRST))))            # line added by Agent

>> listener.ora file in "grid" user
ENABLE_GLOBAL_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT_LISTENER_SCAN1=ON                # line added by Agent
ENABLE_GLOBAL_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT_LISTENER=ON              # line added by Agent


25. tnsnames.ora file in "oracle" user
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = drpweb-scan.xxx.com)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = drpweb.xxx.com)