first we have to install JDK to install WebLogic server. Here, we have
installed jdk_7U80_windows-x64. To install WebLogic server, In first step we have installed JDK and in second step we have installed oracle WebLogic server.
the JDK by double-clicking on the executable and accepting the defaults.
>> Welcome to the installation Wizard for Java SE development kit 7 update 80.
>> Copying new files.
>> Registering Java Runtime Environment.
>> Successfully Installed java SE development kit 7 update 80 (64-bit).
Second Step: WebLogic
>> From the command prompt,issue the following command.
>> Click the "Next" button on the welcome screen.
>> Enter location for Middleware home directory (C:\Oracle\Middleware), then Click the "Next" button.
>> Uncheck the checkbox if you don't want security updates, then click the "Next" button. Accept all the warnings about remaining uninformed of security updates.
>> Accept the Typical installation by clicking "Next" Button.
>> Select JDK location and click "Next" Button.
>> Click "Next" Button to accept default product installation directories.
>> Select the start menu folder in which want to create oracle shortcuts.
>> Installation summary
>> Installation in progress.
>> Uncheck the "Quickstart" and click on "Done" button.
>> Installation Complete.
>> Click the "Next" button on the welcome screen.
>> Enter location for Middleware home directory (C:\Oracle\Middleware), then Click the "Next" button.
>> Uncheck the checkbox if you don't want security updates, then click the "Next" button. Accept all the warnings about remaining uninformed of security updates.
>> Accept the Typical installation by clicking "Next" Button.
>> Select JDK location and click "Next" Button.
>> Click "Next" Button to accept default product installation directories.
>> Select the start menu folder in which want to create oracle shortcuts.
>> Installation summary
>> Installation in progress.
>> Uncheck the "Quickstart" and click on "Done" button.
>> Installation Complete.