Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6) Installation on 64-bit Windows.

This document describes installation of Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6) on 64-bit Windows. The intention is to use this installation as the base for an Oracle fusion middleware 11gR2 Forms and Reports Developer installation.

At first we have to install JDK to install WebLogic server. Here, we have installed jdk_7U80_windows-x64. To install WebLogic server, In first step we have installed JDK and in second step we have installed oracle WebLogic server.

First Step: JDK Installation
Install the JDK by double-clicking on the executable and accepting the defaults.

>> Welcome to the installation Wizard for Java SE development kit 7 update 80.

>> Select optional features to install from the list below. you can change your choice of features after installation by using the add/remove programs utility in the control panel

>> Copying new files.

>> Registering Java Runtime Environment.

>> Successfully Installed java SE development kit 7 update 80 (64-bit).

Second Step: WebLogic Installation
>> From the command prompt,issue the following command.

 >> Click the "Next" button on the welcome screen.

>> Enter location for Middleware home directory (C:\Oracle\Middleware), then Click the "Next" button.

>> Uncheck the checkbox if you don't want security updates, then click the "Next" button. Accept all the warnings about remaining uninformed of security updates.

>> Accept the Typical installation by clicking "Next" Button.

>> Select JDK location and click "Next" Button.

>> Click "Next" Button to accept default product installation directories.

>> Select the start menu folder in which want to create oracle shortcuts.

>> Installation summary

>> Installation in progress.

>> Uncheck the "Quickstart" and click on "Done" button.

>> Installation Complete.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

JRE security warning: This application will be blocked in a future Java security update because the JAR file manifest does not contain the Permissions attribute. Please contact the Publisher for more information.

JRE security warning: This application will be blocked in a future Java security update because the JAR file manifest does not contain the Permissions attribute. Please contact the Publisher for more information.

Warning Reason: When a jar file is signed by a Trusted Certificate but its manifest does not contain the Permissions attribute, then following message will appear.


Insert the Permissions attribute into the jar file. This is a two steps operation, first create a text file with the Permissions attribute and then insert it into the jar file.

Step-I: Create text file with permission attribute
Textfile name: addToManifest.txt
Location: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin
Text file contain: permissions: all-permissions
                           Trusted-Only: true
                           Trusted-Library: true

Step-II: Insert permission attribute into the jar file
C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin>jar ufm C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1/forms/java /clientinfos.jar addToManifest.txt

Oracle forms 11g-Application blocked by java security: for security, application must now meet the requirements for the high or very high security settings, or be part of the exceptions site list, to be allowed to run.

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Monday, October 3, 2016

Oracle Forms 11g- JRE Security Warning: Publisher-unknown. Running this application may be a security risk. Running applications by UNKNOWN publishers will be blocked in a future release because it is potentially unsafe and a security risk.

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Oracle Forms 11g: Signing JAR file

Step-1: Create Keystore (keytool)
Before sign a JAR file we need a keystore. we can create it using the keytool utility. The keytool utility is normally found under the JDK bin directory.

1.1 Navigate the Directory-
C:\>cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin

1.2 Generate keystore
C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin>keytool -genkey -alias MediAlias -keyalg RSA -keystore MediStore
Enter keystore password:  medipassword
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  bishwanath das
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  development
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  medi
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  dhaka
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  dhaka
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  BD
Is CN=bishwanath das, OU=development, O=medi, L=dhaka, ST=dhaka, C=BD correct?
  [no]:  yes

Enter key password for < MediAlias>

        (RETURN if same as keystore password):

Step-2: sign JAR file(jarsigner)
Once the keystore is created, we can use the jarsigner utility to sign the JAR files. The jarsigner utility is normally found under the JDK bin directory.

C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin>jarsigner -keystore MediStore -storepass medipassword C:\ Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1/forms/java/clientinfos.jar MediAlias


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Oracle Forms 11g - JRE Security Warning: Block potentially unsafe components from being run? The application contains both signed and unsigned code. Contact the application vendor to ensure that it has not been tampered with.

Oracle Forms 11g - Security Warning:
Block potentially unsage components from being run?
Application: oracle.forms.engine.Main

Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern. Contact the application vendor to ensure that it has not been tampered with.

The application contains both signed and unsigned code.

Warning Reasons: When the jar file is NOT signed, then the following warning message will appear at time of Oracle 11g forms RUN.

Solution: Properly sign the JAR files.

Signing JAR file Procedure:
Step-1: Create Keystore (keytool)
Before sign a JAR file we need a keystore. we can create it using the keytool utility. The keytool utility is normally found under the JDK bin directory.

1.1 Navigate the Directory-
C:\>cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin

1.2 Generate keystore
C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin>keytool -genkey -alias MediAlias -keyalg RSA -keystore MediStore
Enter keystore password:  medipassword
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  bishwanath das
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  development
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  medi
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  dhaka
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  dhaka
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  BD
Is CN=bishwanath das, OU=development, O=medi, L=dhaka, ST=dhaka, C=BD correct?
  [no]:  yes

Enter key password for < MediAlias>

        (RETURN if same as keystore password):

Step-2: sign JAR file(jarsigner)
Once the keystore is created, we can use the jarsigner utility to sign the JAR files. The jarsigner utility is normally found under the JDK bin directory.

C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\jdk\bin>jarsigner -keystore MediStore -storepass medipassword C:\ Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_FRHome1/forms/java/clientinfos.jar MediAlias

    Sample Implementation: