Step-1: download the apache-tomcat software(*.zip file).
step-2: Transfer the apache-tomcat software to server location where you want to install.
step-3: unzip the apache-tomcat software
[root@utility-app-srv u01]# unzip
step-4: chmod -R 777 bin
[root@utility-app-srv bin]# ls -ld
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 7 2014 .
[root@utility-app-srv apache-tomcat-8.0.3]# chmod -R 777 bin
[root@utility-app-srv bin]# ls -ld
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Feb 7 2014 .
step-5: [root@utility-app-srv bin]# ./
step-6: [root@utility-app-srv bin]# ./